Due to the cumulative buildup of black scum in your entire drainage system: drains, septic tank, drain field and soil, the regular maintenance of your drainage system is necessary. A septic tank is as good as the amount of the sewage-digesting bacteria and water that it holds. Too much scum on the surface or too much sludge on the bottom reduces the working capacity of the septic tank. When the Drainteks bacteria are added regularly through your drains and toilets, they clean out the sludge and scum, promote a healthy septic system, and replenishe the good bacteria levels in your septic tank that are removed by everyday chemical-use and pump outs. When there are not enough of good sewage-digesting bacteria in your septic system, clogs form; waste accumulates at a rapid rate, causing frequent pump outs and other septic problems such as odors, backups, greener grass and water surfacing over your drain field. Drainteks helps prevent septic problems and reverses these septic system problems.
The majority of septic systems are not properly maintained, and they can fail suddenly without warning. If you have septic problems, you need to take immediate action, and not wait as most homeowners do because the consequences can be catastrophic. If you are like the majority of septic system owners, you may not know how to properly take care of your septic system. This can easily change because septic system maintenance is simple and is the single most important thing you can do as a homeowner.
Every year, improper septic system care costs US homeowners thousands of lives, and chronic illnesses. Septic problems can cause chronic odors, insect infestation, ground and well water contamination, devaluation of your property, and loss of money for unnecessary pump outs, repairs, and system replacements. Problem signs such as backups, wet soil or odors may “come and go”, which may confuse you and lead you to think that your system is improving or that your septic problems are gone. Unless the waste that has accumulated in the pipes, lines and soil is eliminated, even if your structural or mechanical issues have been corrected, your septic problems will get worse. The waste NEEDS to be treated/cleaned/removed the right way – pump outs and digging are inefficient. Pump outs only remove about 5% of the waste. The other 95% of the waste is in your drain field lines and soil. Yoursoil is where the final absorption of your waste takes place and it is the most important part of your septic system. When you replace your drain field, your septic system will fail again because the soil surrounding the new drain field is still compacted with the waste left behind from the old drain field. When properly maintained and restored, your septic system can last as long as your soil or up to a hundred fifty years or more. A new drain field is usually installed close to the old one and may last anywhere from 3 to 7 years; when it fails again, which it will, your odors and septic system problems will be worse because the underlying contaminated soil will not have been thoroughly removed by the contractors. Drainteks not only completely removes the waste that causes odors, wet soil and pump outs, but it can restore water flow to your clogged septic system and prevent you from having to dig up and replace your drain field. When our bacteria are introduced into your drain field, they seep far into the soil, aerate and decontaminate it. This results in a permanent restoration of your septic system.