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Grease Trap and Drain Care Tips

Use mesh screens to filter food scraps and debris from every drain in your facility and a drain grate to cover the drain’s opening, where applicable. Have your filters and grates cleaned regularly.  Count and take pictures of the different types of drains before you go to a plumbing supply store.

If you have a standard washer: have a canister style lint filter installed to catch lint from your washer water Before it enters your drains – lint filter canisters are attached to your washer’s discharge hose. Clean the filter regularly.

If the wastewater from your washer gets discharged into a sink, tie a disposable stainless steel mesh filter over the hose from your washer to trap the lint.  Clean filters or replace them regularly to prevent backups.

Use a spatula to scrape the grease and food off the insides of the fryers while they are still warm. Rinse as little grease through your drains as possible.

Use dry towels you can throw into the garbage to pick up grease and greasy spills Before you use a mop.

Use a spatula to wipe food and grease from plates, pots and pans – mulch the waste if possible.

Do not use a garbage disposal. If you do use one, use it occasionally with cold water so the grease does not liquefy or break down and cling to the walls of your pipes.

Throw coffee grinds and tea leaves away in the garbage or mulch your pile.

Put a sign for staff above your drains: “No Grease or Food Down Drains”. Have a designated bucket for your staff to collect grease in. Get cash for recycling your unused grease..

Clean the vent hoods and filters regularly so the grease does not damage them.

Use water temperatures below 140 F (60 C).

Use a strainer to remove grease and solids from your grease trap.

Do not clean your mats and equipment outdoors where wastewater can go into the storms; it is illegal!

Do not use caustic acids, lye, bleaches, ammonia or harsh chemicals to clean your grease trap or drains. Use industrial strength, safe, eco- friendly microbial cleaning products.

Keep a record by logging the dates, the amount of the Drainteks solutions used and using a sludge sampler, the levels of grease in your grease trap.

Use the least expensive, thin toilet paper-it breaks down fast and help avoid clogs.

Use a commercial hand dryer.

Buy toilet seats that have lids to avoid odors and the spread of germs when flushing.

Use the Bio–Dispencer drain injector for regular and accurate application of our Drainteks solutions,

Drainteks solutions clean your plumbing and eliminate frequent pump outs in your grease trap. Overall savings in your drainage system operating costs range from 40% to over 90%.  Some of the variables include: the size and type of your drainage system , the product and maintenance habits of your staff. From our experience, the more you take interest in managing and controlling the quality and quantity of your incoming waste, the more money you will save.

Here is an example of a well known hospital in New York City that saved enormous amounts of money in their grease trap and drain maintenance:

In its first year of using the Drainteks solutions, a 510 bed hospital in New York City saved close to 500,000 dollars in its yearly plumbing and repair costs. The majority of the expenses  were incurred by continuously clogged and damaged pipes caused  by sewage and grease buildup. The vents spewed foul sewage odors into the patients’ rooms. Two years later, the yearly drainage system costs were an average of 10,000 dollars per year – only 2 percent of the  former cost or a 98 percent saving! Today, doctors, patients and employees are in an odor-free and healty environment.

Eliminating frequent great trap pump outs alone saves a high traffic McDoanld’s in N.C.  a substantial 39% of their grease cleaning and disposal costs.

The Drainteks solutions will help protect your drainage system and are successfully used in a variety of applications including the safe removal  of  sewage and hydrocarbon spills.

Our solutions work in all drainage systems to immediately remove sludge and scum on contact; clogs, blockages, and odors caused by grease and waste buildup are quickly eliminated.

Yes, our Drainteks solutions are safe; they protect your grease trap, pipes and their components from decay and damage.

Yes. The Drainteks solutions are safe to humans, are eco-friendly and 100% biodegradable. The microbial cultures are non-disease causing, are hazard and danger-free.

The rate of waste water flow into your greased trap determines the size. Grease traps are sized by the rate of wastewater flow into them. The more the flow, the greater the size of the grease trap needed. It is always a good idea to get one size larger than you estimate.

Yes. Sewage Treatment case Case study

Parameters: Sewage treatment facility in California, USA

Population 89,000    Plant processes 7 million gallons per day of wastewater

Problems:  High levels of : HS (hydrogen sulfide),  TSS (Total suspended solids) and  BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Frequent overflows, fouls odors and corrosion of treatment tanks.

Trial: The Drainteks solutions  used for 90 days

Application: Added directly to pump station at 2.0 ppm flow

H2S, BOD and TSS  concentrations analyzed for 3 months

Results: Since corrosion of the tanks is known to be caused by acids formed by the increase of hydrogen sulfide, a 98.5 % reduction of H2S is guaranteed to stop further corrosion.

                H2S went from 100 ppm to 1.5 ppm –  98.5% reduction

                BOD went from 115mg/l to 22 mg/l – over 80 % reduction

                TSSwent from  188 mg/l to 30 mg/l- over 84% reduction

The best way to maintain your grease trap system is to follow a regular treatment plan and eliminate your grease buildup. Follow our tips. We can customize a  plan for you that will save you money in a short amount of time; our goal is to help you save money, and to keep your percentage of grease in your grease trap below 25 %.

Keeping your grease trap and drains clean on a regular basis is necessary to avoid the problems associated with grease and waste buildup. Our Drainteks solutions are unique microbial formulas that work continuously 24/7, to keep your grease trap and drains trouble-free. They are designed to regularly maintain your system and to help you avoid frequent pump outs, blockages and sewer overflows. The Drainteks solutions are used successfully to quickly restore a blocked system to function at full capacity.

The Drainteks solution proprietary formulas eliminate the root cause of foul odors and blockages in sewers. They help keep the grease trap and drains clean and trouble- free, reducing maintenance and overall costs.

Unlike yeast- based or products that are only enzyme- based, our patented solutions immediately remove  a wide variety of difficult-to-digest wastes such as fats, oils, grease, mold and petrochemicals. The Drainteks solutions work in harsh chemical and temperature environments, are high performance and fast-acting . They are concentrated and have a low viscosity (thickness) and which helps the bacterial  formulas multiply, and flow faster. They are the same products that were used to help clean the BP Oil Spill-America’s largest clean up.

The Drainteks solutions are effective in all drainage systems.  They are recommended for applications where fats, oils, grease, hydrocarbons and waste removal are required. Drainteks would not be used in lagoons that have fish.

Your grease trap and drains need to be regularly maintained.  A brand new grease trap can lose over 50% of its flow volume just within a few months of operation if it is not properly maintained;  it becomes blocked and operates at less than half its full capacity! Drains lose 1/10 of an inch of their capacity every year.

To preserve the structural integrity of your drains and grease trap, keep them clean and avoid the devastating problems associated with grease and waste buildup: odors, health code violations, plumbing disasters, ruining and destroying your grease trap.